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Senin, 27 Juni 2011


Expected something didn't always give us a things that we expected. It's better that don't expect anything. it's much better..
Finding this w, for the first time it's good.. Much more better than now. Inside w is something that anybody don't know about it, they just know it was good for me. Can't described it. Now in my position. I'm just having a dilemma about it. Whether keep going on or stop it. Wanted it to be kind, respect me, worried me, always in my side, don't ever shout me,pay attention to me. Is it something that so difficult?? and if you are mad to me talk to me not to other person.. If you can't say it to me why you can say to the other. I'm what for you?? just a STUPID GIRL THAT ALWAYS MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER NO MATTER WHAT I'M FEELING AND ALWAYS HEAR WHAT YOU WANTED..


Each dreams were something that we dream about what we dream to have it..
But dream is just a dream..
It's hard to make a dream become true..
It's easy to make a dream become true for some people..
For me, my dream was so hard to have it works.just can dream about it..
Dream to become good,it can appears bad..
Wish that will come true..
